膨化尿素又称糊化尿素,是一种用于反刍动物的非蛋白氮饲料添加剂。 Expanded urea, also known as gelatinized starch-urea, is a kind of non-protein nitrogen feed additives for ruminants.

饲料级氯化铵是一种用于反刍动物的非蛋白氮饲料添加剂,用于饲料复配。 Feed additive ammonium chloride is a kind of non-protein nitrogen feed additives for ruminants used for feed rematch.

DL-蛋氨酸是饲料营养强化剂,弥补氨基酸平衡的饲料添加剂,主要用作家畜、猪、牛、水产等动物饲料。 DL-Methionine is a feed nutrient supplement and a feed additive to make up the balance of amino acids. It is mainly used as feed for livestock, pigs, cattle and aquatic animals.

富马酸主要用于生产饲料酸化剂,和饲料复合酸化剂,可提高饲料的适口性和利用率,调节禽类PH值。应用范围包括宠物罐头、动物饲料、水产饲料、维生素饲料、兽药产品等。 Fumaric Acid Feed Grade is mainly used to produce feed acidifier and feed compound acidifier, which can improve the palatability and utilization rate of feed and regulate the PH value of poultry. Widely used in pet cans, animal feed, aquatic feed, vitamin feed, veterinary drugs, etc.

水剂胆碱主要作为添加剂混合到养殖动物饲料中,提高畜禽水产的出肉率及产蛋率,改善肉质,节约饲料用量。 Choline Chloride Liquid 70% 75%, mainly used as an additive into the breeding animal feed, to improve the meat yield and egg production rate of livestock, poultry and aquatic products, improve the meat quality, and save the amount of feed.

玉米芯型氯化胆碱主要作为添加剂混合到养殖动物饲料中,提高畜禽水产的出肉率及产蛋率,改善肉质,节约饲料用量。 Choline Chloride 50% 60% 70% Corn Cob is mainly used as an additive to be mixed with the animal feed. It can improve the meat yield or egg yield of livestock, poultry and aquatic products, improve the meat quality, and save the feed dosage.

硅型氯化胆碱主要作为添加剂混合到养殖动物饲料中,提高畜禽水产的出肉率及产蛋率,改善肉质,节约饲料用量。 Choline Chloride 50% Silica Feed Grade is mainly used as an additive into the breeding animal feed, to improve the meat yield and egg production rate of livestock, poultry and aquatic products, improve the meat quality, and save the amount of feed.

菌体蛋白是由谷氨酸渣为原料,发酵而成的饲料级添加剂,用于水产饲料的生产,可以提升饲料中粗蛋白的含量。 Protein powder is made from glutamate residue, used for the production of aquatic feed. It can increase crude protein content in the feed.

大米蛋白粉主要作为添加剂混合到养殖动物饲料中,提高畜禽水产的出肉率及产蛋率,改善肉质,节约饲料用量。 Rice Protein Powder is mainly used as an additive into the breeding animal feed, to improve the meat yield and egg production rate of livestock, poultry and aquatic products, improve the meat quality, and save the amount of feed.

渤海湾盐田丰年虫卵主要作为水族观赏鱼、蟹等幼体或成体动物营养品,富含蛋白质,不仅含有各种必须氨基酸和多聚不饱和脂肪酸,还含有丰富的维生素。 Artemia Cysts (Brine Shrimp Eggs) are Mainly used as nutrition for larvae of aquatic ornamental fish, crab or adult animal. It contains rich protein, in addition to a variety of essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, it contains rich vitamins as well.

玉米浆干粉是生产玉米淀粉过程中产生的副产品。玉米浆经过过滤、升温、精滤、喷雾干燥、筛分等工艺而形成干粉状态。产品易水溶、易运输、易储存 Corn Steep Liquor Powder is a by-product of corn starch. It is formed into powder from corn steep liquor in the process of filtration, heating up, fine filtration, spray drying, screening, etc.. It is soluable in water, transport and store.

发酵饲料是一种绿色环保的饲料原料, 经固态发酵、烘干、粉碎而成,有助于改善动物肠道的菌群平衡,促进动物的采食、消化和生长,减少动物粪便中氨的排放量, 降低氨气对环境的污染。 Fermented Feed is Eco-friendly feed raw material through solid state fermentation, drying and crushing. It is helpful to improving the balance of animal intestinal flora, promote the animals’ingestion, digestion and growth, reducing the ammonia emission in animal feces to lower its pollution to the environment.

聚合氯化铝是一种净水材料,无机高分子混凝剂,又被简称为聚铝,英文缩写为PAC。 Polyaluminum chloride is a kind of water purification chemical, inorganic polymer coagulant, also referred to as PAC.

聚合氯化铝是一种净水材料,无机高分子混凝剂,又被简称为聚铝,英文缩写为PAC。 Polyaluminum chloride is a kind of water purification chemical, inorganic polymer coagulant, also referred to as PAC.

葡萄糖酸钠广泛用于混凝土外加剂、钢铁表面清洗剂、医药、水质稳定剂、玻璃瓶专用清洗剂等方面。Sodium Gluconate is widely used in concrete admixture, steel surface cleaning agent, medicine, water quality stabilizer, glass bottle special cleaning agent and so on.